Pet care expenses, especially for dogs, can really add up. The cost of owning a dog can be $1,000 to $5,000 a year, according to an analysis by The organizations listed below offer free and low-cost services to help people keep pets in their homes and out of local shelters.
Neighborhood Pets provides low-cost wellness care, a spay/neuter program, a pet food bank, veterinary care assistance, pet supplies, counseling and other resources to residents of Cleveland and East Cleveland.
Find Neighborhood Pets
3711 E. 65th St. Cleveland
Walk-in Hours: Tuesday 12-4 p.m., Thursday 12-4 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wellness Center (3717 E. 65th St.) is by appointment only.
Cleveland APL’s Project CARE (Community Animal Retention Effort) offers a range of services to pet owners who live in Cleveland:
- Low-cost spay/neuter
- One-time emergency medical assistance through the Peticaid program (restrictions apply).
- Low-cost flea treatment/preventative.
- Counseling help with behavioral and medical needs and general care guidance.
- Resource referrals to other programs.
- Emergency assistance with pet food on as needed basis.
Find the Cleveland APL
1729 Willey Ave., Cleveland
Direct line for Project CARE 216-255-5022
FCCAS offers a monthly pet food pantry for Cuyahoga County residents at Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. New and returning clients must complete an application each month. The application can be accessed through this page.
Find the pantry
9500 Sweet Valley Dr., Valley View
Companion Pets offers a pet food pantry on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. The pantry also provides some other supplies like cat litter, leashes and collars. The application is here.
Find the pantry
5376 Ridge Rd. Parma
