Pets help kids improve mental, physical and emotional well-being

Pets help kids improve mental, physical and emotional well-being

Dr. Cynthia Maro

Pets help kids improve mental, physical and emotional well-being

The joys and responsibilities of pet interactions and ownership are numerous.

For adults, the emotional connection and the act of interacting physically with animals, whether owned or just visiting, have been well-documented through many research studies. Blood pressure improves and levels of serotonin increase when people pet a dog, cat, rabbit or guinea pig.

For kids, the benefits of pet ownership are just as important. Want your kids to learn how to connect while off the iPad, cell phone or other technological device?

A four-legged friend may be an ideal answer to many of the problems kids face currently. If your child expresses interest in having a pet, the opportunity for engagement with an animal may fulfill many of their social needs, while helping them feel loved and connected.


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