Now is the time to provide critical aid for our community during the unprecedented Los Angeles-area wildfires. Hundreds of animals, including pets and wildlife, have been displaced. If you’re looking for ways to help animals in Los Angeles area, we’ve collected a list of organizations that are working on just that.
If you’re seeking more ways to volunteer, donation drop-off sites, or suggestions for monetary donations, read our more general guide about how to help.
❗ Please note: We’ve compiled this information to help support our community affected by these unprecedented wildfires. These details are changing quickly, and we strongly recommend checking directly with the linked resources for the most up-to-date information.
Ways to help
- Foster or adopt – One of the most effective things you can do is sign up to foster or adopt a pet. This opens up space for animal organizations to accept new displaced animals.
- Donate money – Most organizations are accepting monetary donations to support their continued efforts, and some are even at capacity for material supplies.
- Donate supplies – Some organizations are accepting donations of pet food, carriers, beds, blankets, and more.
- Volunteer – Some organizations are accepting volunteers to help inventory supplies and more.
Organizations supporting pets
The following local organizations are working around the clock to care for displaced and lost pets. Visit their websites and social pages to find their latest requests and learn how to best help them, because some are at or reaching capacity for donations.
🔗 Lost and found pets: Cleo&Hooman’s lost/found spreadsheet and @eatonfirefoundlostpets are helping reunite pets with their owners.
- Pasadena Humane / @pasadenahumane
- Due to overwhelming support, Pasadena Humane has no more capacity for material donations or fosters, and has put a pause on volunteer applications, but is in need of monetary donations.
- L.A. Animal Services / @laanimalservices
- You can sign up to foster or adopt for from one of 13 city and county shelters. This will open up space for new animals.
- Note: According to recent IG comments, the foster process takes weeks to approve, so if you’re not already registered to foster with LA Animal Services, consider looking into the smaller organizations listed in the next section.
- There is a new Los Angeles FIRE Evacuation Animal Services Hotline. If you have lost your pets due to the wildfires and are needing assistance to find them, you can call 213-270-8155 and leave the requested information about your pet and your contact number.
- spcaLA / @spcala
- Los Angeles County Animal Care / @lacoanimals
- LA County Animal Care has waived adoption fees for the general public. and for local rescues and adoption partners to pull animals from their shelters.
- If you’re interested in volunteering, do not show up in person. Email [email protected] for information.
- Best Friends Animal Society / @bfas_la
- Best Friends is behind an emergency response team assisting other animal organizations, as well as two pet pantries in Sawtelle and Granada Hills.
- They have a wishlist on their website with needed items that you can order and send to them.
- BFAS has set up a volunteer interest survey for those interested in helping.
More organizations supporting domestic pets
Remember, needs are changing quickly and some places are at capacity for material donations. These smaller, independent organizations are reportedly looking for fosters, volunteers, or donations. Check each organization’s linked website or socials to see how you can best support them.
🔗 Find even more organizations: See Mutual Aid LA’s comprehensive spreadsheet, which is constantly updated with new resources and requests.
- LaBelle Foundation / @thelabellefoundation
- Belle’s Boarding / @bellesboarding
- Pups Without Borders / @pupswithoutborders
- Kitt Crusaders / @kittcrusaders
- I Stand With My Pack / @istandwithmypack
- The Little Lion Foundation / @thelittlelionfoundation
- Stray Cat Alliance / @straycatalliance
- Beach Dog Rescue / @thebeachdogrescue
- Pawsitive Beginnings / @pawsitivebeginningsla
- FurryTail Endings / @furrytail.endings
- Bubbles Dog Rescue / @bubblesdogrescue
- Love’s Legacy Rescue / @loveslegacyrsecue
- Kitten Rescue Los Angeles / @kittenrescuela
- Luxe Paws / @luxepaws
- Western Veterinary Center / @wvcvet
- Grateful Dogs Clubhouse / @gratefuldogsclubhouse
- South Bay Rodent Rescue
- Paw Works / @pawworks
- Wags And Walks / @wagsandwalks
- Underdog Heroes / @underdogheroes_
- Philozoia Animal Rescue / @philozoiaanimalrescue
- Mae Day Rescue / @maedayrescue
- Saving Carson Shelter Dogs
- Care Rescue LA / @carerescuela
- Compassion Kind Foundation / @compassionkind
- Roadogs / @roadogs
- Angel City Pits / @angelcitypits
- Perry’s Place / @perrys_place_la
- Tail Town Cats / @tailtown.cats
Organizations supporting wildlife
Here are more organizations and locations reportedly providing care for local wildlife that has been injured or burned. Check their pages for what they might need.
See also: